Gum disease is a condition that we treat in our
dentist office. Many people only consider their teeth when thinking about oral health, but the reality is that healthy gums are essential for a healthy mouth. Without them, teeth are exposed and can become infected or fall out. Unhealthy gums can also be painful and lead to additional health conditions.There are several clear signs of gum disease that you can watch for at home. Gums typically become red, swollen, and may start to bleed. As the disease progresses, gums will start to recede or pullback. This exposes more of the tooth and makes it appear longer or taller. Extreme gum recession will also create pockets in the tissue that look like little holes or dips. If you notice any of these symptoms, call and schedule an appointment with Star Dental.The best way to prevent gum disease is by practicing good oral hygiene at home and having your teeth cleaned twice a year. This includes brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, using an antiseptic mouthwash, drinking plenty of water, and visiting our dentist office. During regular teeth cleanings, our dental hygienist will remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums. Afterwards, our
dentist will examine your mouth to determine if there are any signs of infection. If gingivitis is identified, it can be treated by conducting a deep cleaning where the bacteria is also removed from underneath the gums. This is the best stage to catch the disease because the gums are typically able to heal themselves once the bacteria is removed.If gum disease is left untreated it can create further health problems. When pockets form in the gum tissue bacteria can gather there and start to attack the tooth and roots. This may lead to the need for a root canal or worst – a dental abscess or teeth falling out. In order to treat the condition, a gum graft may be needed. This is used to close up the pocket so that the gums can protect the tooth again.
Gum Disease and Your BodyAs a dentist, we understand that the health of your gums is important for the health of your entire body – the extent of which is still being studied. Scientists have already found evidence that gum disease can make pregnant women go into pre-term labor and negatively impact the weight of the baby. The condition can be dangerous for the health of the child, so it is important for pregnant women to obtain ongoing dental care.Heart disease has also been linked to gum disease with 91 percent of people with heart problems also having unhealthy gums. Every adult should take note of this statistic and schedule an appointment with the
dentist. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in the United States and reducing risk factors is extremely important. Having your teeth cleaned twice a year can prevent gum disease and any negative impact it may have on your heart. To schedule an appointment, call (408) 247-3740.
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